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London Metal Exchange Chief Executive retires

Time:Wed, 25 Jan 2017 04:09:20 +0800

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Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX), The London Metal Exchange (LME) and LME Clear (LMEC) (wholly-owned subsidiaries of HKEX) announced today (Monday) that Garry Jones, the LME’s Chief Executive and an executive director of the LME and LMEC, is retiring from all his positions within the HKEX Group, including his positions at the LME and LMEC today. Mr Jones has agreed to serve as an advisor to the LME until the end of the year.

Matthew Chamberlain, the LME’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), has been appointed Interim Chief Executive of the LME with immediate effect. Andrew Dodsworth, the LME’s Head of Market Operations, has been appointed Interim COO with immediate effect.

Mr Chamberlain joined the LME in November 2012. In addition to his LME roles, he is a member of HKEX’s Management Committee.

HKEX and the LME are conducting a thorough search for a suitable successor for Mr Jones.

“We thank Garry for the contributions he has made to the transformation of the LME over the last few years and we wish him the best in his new endeavours,” said HKEX Chief Executive Charles Li.

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