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Outokumpu announced that its ferrochrome production for the first quarter

Time:Fri, 24 May 2024 09:41:46 +0800

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Recently, Outokumpu, Finland, announced that its ferrochrome production for the first quarter of 2024 was 89,000 tons, an increase of 17.11% month on month (Q4 2023: 76,000 tons), and a year-on-year increase of 27.14% (Q1 2023: 70,000 tons). In 2024, the global ferrochrome market rebounded from a low level, but due to the lack of a significant increase in the price of exported ferrochrome, the profit margin is still relatively limited. At present, one of the three ferrochrome smelting equipment under the company is still closed and is expected to restart in the autumn. In 2024, the variable cost of ferrochrome production slightly decreased due to the decrease in electricity prices, resulting in the other two ferrochrome furnaces reaching 80% of their full production capacity.
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