keywords : The manganese ore market
The quotation of silicomanganese is
disorderly, and the transaction is general. The price of silicomanganese 6517
in Ningxia factory is at 8000-8100 yuan/ton and 8100-8250 yuan/ton in Guizhou.
[ferromanganese] ferromanganese suppliers
have low willingness to offer in the market, and the delivery of high carbon
ferromanganese at low price is obvious. The ex factory quotation of 65% high
carbon ferromanganese is about 7600 yuan / ton, and the market quotation of
medium and low manganese is chaotic, with 12500 yuan / ton of medium carbon
ferromanganese and 14500 yuan / ton of low carbon ferromanganese.
[electrolytic manganese] the electrolytic
manganese market is deserted, and the mainstream quotation is 39000-41000 yuan
/ ton. At present, the transaction is not active.
[manganese ore] The manganese ore market
transaction was gradually carried out, the market quotation was clear, the
price of oxidized manganese ore increased significantly, and the transaction
was followed up. The price of Australian manganese ore 45% is 47 yuan / dmtu,
an increase of 1-2 yuan / dmtu.