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Ukraine: ferrous metals export revenue up in January-April 2021

Time:Tue, 11 May 2021 07:35:21 +0800

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In January-April, Ukraine exported 6.56 million tons of ferrous metals valued at $6.56 million, up by 4.1% and by 38.6% YoY respectively.

Scrap exports amounted to 87 thousand tons, pig iron – 954.3 thousand tons (-0.6%) and semi-finished products (square billets, slabs, etc.) – 2576 thousand tons (+0.5%).

Semi-finished products accounted for 39.3% of exports, raw materials (pig iron, ferroalloys and scrap) – 19% and rolled metal – 41.7%.

The EU-28 bought 31% of ferrous metals, Africa – 13%, other European countries – 14.5%, CIS – 6.5% and the Near East –12%.

Export of iron ore raw materials in 4 months dropped by 0.8% YoY, to 14.2 million tons.

In January-April, Ukraine imported 313 thousand tons of ferrous metals, down by 12.9%, with the scrap import up by 38.1%, to 7.8 thousand tons.

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