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Canada Fixes Dumping Margins for Rebar Imports from 6 Countries

Time:Fri, 07 May 2021 07:20:30 +0800

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Canada Border Services Agency has made a final determination of dumping regarding certain concrete reinforcing bar imports from Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal is continuing its inquiry into the question of injury to the domestic industry and will make a finding by June 4, 2021.

Margins of dumping by exporter as % of export price

Algeria Spa Tosyali Iron Steel Industry Algerie - 4.8%

Egypt All exporters - 23.1%

Indonesia PT Putra Baja Deli - 3.3%

Italy All exporters - 23.1%

Malaysia All exporters - 23.1%

Singapore All exporters - 23.1%

Vietnam Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel - 10.5%

The subject goods are usually imported under tariff classification numbers 7213.10.00.00 & 7214.20.00.00. In some instances, the subject goods may also be imported under the tariff classification numbers 7215.90.00.90 & 7227.90.00.90

The margins of dumping reported in the table above are the margins determined by the CBSA for purposes of the final determination of dumping. These margins do not reflect the anti dumping duty to be levied on future importations of dumped goods. In the event of an injury finding by the CITT, normal values have been provided to the exporters which provided sufficient information for future shipments to Canada and these normal values would come into effect the day after the injury finding. Information regarding normal values of the subject goods should be obtained from the exporter. Imports of the subject goods from exporters/producers that did not provide sufficient information to the CBSA during the dumping investigation and who are not listed in the table above will be subject to the All Exporters anti dumping duty rate pursuant to a ministerial specification.

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