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NMDC Delivers Spectacular Performance in FY 2020-21

Time:Fri, 02 Apr 2021 16:04:33 +0800

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Indian state owned iron ore mining giant NMDC has witnessed a spectacular growth for financial year 2020-21 both in production and sales performance over previous year. Iron ore production for FY 2020-21 stands at 34.11 million tonne as against the 31.49 million tonne in FY 2019-20registerin YoY growth of 8%. Iron ore sales during the FY 2020-21 increased by 6% YoY to 33.27 million tonnes as against 31.51 million tonnes in FY 2019-20. NMDC CMD Mr Sumit Deb said “It has been a year of challenges for everyone. In spite of these situations, team NMDC has been able to excel on all fronts, including fight against COVID, enhance production and sales and also take care of its community. I congratulate all our employees and stakeholders and take pride in their resolute efforts towards this goal. I am sure with this kind of zeal and enthusiasm, we will definitely surpass 42 million tonnes in FY22 and with the new reforms in mining rules, NMDC would look for new opportunities for capacity enhancement.”

Iron Ore Production in FY 2020-21

Chhattisgarh - 26.56 million tonne, up by 8.5%

Karnataka - 7.55 million tonne, up by 7.9%

Iron Ore Sales in FY 2020-21

Chhattisgarh - 25.85 million tonne, up by 5.7%

Karnataka - 7.42 million tonne, up by 5.2%

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