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Tin in lithium-ion batteries could represent significant new use

Time:Thu, 14 Feb 2019 08:53:05 +0800

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The International Tin Association has released a new report comprehensively detailing its latest research on potential new market opportunities for tin in lithium-ion batteries. It is concluded that if tin does gain market share, lithium-ion batteries could grow to represent a significant new tin use in the 2025-2030 timescale.

ITA tracks global R&D, patents and markets for tin and has identified a strongly growing interest in tin in energy materials and technologies, including lithium-ion batteries. Tin has a wide range of technical properties that mean its uses extend to many areas of everyday life. For the same reason, it can adapt well to meet emerging needs for new materials that can generate, store and deliver tomorrow’s energy.

ITA has identified nine technology opportunities for tin in lithium-ion batteries, mainly in high-capacity anode electrode materials, but also in solid-state and cathode materials. This report details the technical specifications and performance data for each one, highlighting tin’s advantages over its competitors, notably particularly its synergies with a new generation of silicon anodes.

At the same time, the work reviews the current state of development in lithium-ion batteries generally, including the latest market data for applications in electric vehicles and energy storage. Key players in the market are identified and future technology directions highlighted.

ITA has modelled the potential tin use in each of the technology opportunities and markets to tentatively and conservatively indicate the potential scale of future tin use. Three anode materials technologies are highlighted that could each reach 10-20,000 tpa by 2030 if they gain market share in a highly competitive market. This could at least double by 2050, especially if its use alongside silicon becomes established, although there are very high uncertainties in all long-term forecasts for lithium-ion battery markets.

More information about the report is available on the ITA website:



About International Tin Association:

The International Tin Association (formerly ITRI) is the world's foremost authority on tin with over 80 years’ experience in tin related technologies. It is a membership based organisation representing major tin producers and smelters and is the premier source of tin related information. ITA has specialist knowledge of tin use in all the major sectors as well as groups responsible for statistical and market information, future uses, regulatory affairs and sustainability. It provides links to the main tin consuming sectors through a substantial network of industry contacts. The organisation hosts seminars and international conferences. It also provides marketing and technical support to its members and the tin industry in general. Further information can be obtained from  


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